Memoir of Zed

This is a journal for my character, "Zed," a war-forged Fighter in the Eberron (Dungeons & Dragons 3.5) campaign setting.

Location: Sharn, Eberron

Monday, June 12, 2006

Character Sheet - Level 1

Name: Zed
Race: WarForged
Class: Fighter

Str: 18
Dex: 08
Con: 20
Int: 08
Wis: 08
Cha: 04

Speed: (20') now 15' (med load) Run x4
Initiative: -1

AC: 17 (21 with Tower Shield)

Damage Reduction: 4 / Adamantium

HP: 15


Melee +5 (Base Attack +1)
Ranged -2 (shaky flaw)

Great Sword: +5 to hit, 2d6+6 damage (crit 19-20/x2)

WarHammer: +5 to hit, 1d8 +4 damage
Slam Attack +5 hit, (1d4 +4)
2 Slings
20 Bullets

Tower Shield: +4 Armor bonus

Power Attack
Adamantine Body
Improved Damage Reduction
Improved Damage Reduction

Flaw: Shaky (-2 Ranged)
Flaw: Pathetic (-4 Cha)
Trait: " _ crude _ " (-2 diplomacy, +1 Intimidate)


-6 Balance
-0 Climb (1 rank)
-5 Diplomacy
-6 Escape Artist
-2 Handle Animal (1 rank)
-6 Hide
-2 Intimidate
-0 Jump (1 rank)
-1 Listen
-6 Move Silent
-0 Ride (1 rank)
-1 Search
-1 Sense Motives
-1 Spot

Language: Common

weapons (13) Bullets (10) & shield (45): 68 #

Travel ID & Papers
Backpack 'A' (*mine)
2 pouches
sunrod x2
tindertwig x2
flint & steel
10 torches
2 slings

for others, carry:
10 bolts & in case 1#
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = 19 pounds
Coins: ......................... + 3 lbs.
my stuff = 90 lbs.

Backpack 'B'.................2#
lt. x-bow.........................4#
15 sling bullets................7#
5 torches...........................5#
20 long arrows (elf's).........3#
40 x-bow bolts (dwarf's).......4#
50' hemp rope.................10#
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = backpack 2 weighs 36 lbs
. . . . . . if dropped, back to light load & 20' move

TOTAL NOW CARRIED: 126 lbs (medium load)

Coins: 100 GP, 1 Sp, 8 cp
= ~ 3 lbs.

Experience: 885


Blogger DM1979 said...

When you get the chance please make an inventory of treasure for all of us to peruse. I would like to cash in our items in the interim and decide how best to spend the money as well. I propose that we POOL our gold and outfit our party to maximum advantage (a strict divvy would leave us more gold rich but useful item poor). I would like everyone to pool their resources in the intervening period including gold and saleable items currently carried so check your backpacks for ALL extraneous items that can be converted to coin (including coin) and share your list of items with the group. I propose that we make a running tally of items and convert them to gold en masse.

Normally it would be logical to sell the items in different places where we could get the most gold but we may run afoul of the Sharnic legal system since we did not have one of their "looting permits". If so, it might be best to just sell what we have to the Canniths. Alternately we can leave Sharn and sell our RARE items somewhere nearby. Please add items to the wish list and we can debate how best to use our combined money.

My Proposed Wish List:
1. masterwork mithril chain shirts for Elarin and Vaegar 1,250gp each
2. masterwork adamantine great sword for Zed: 3,050gp
3. wand of cure light wounds and/or repair light damage for Dinnivan (really for all of us): 750gp each
4. 12 scrolls of ebony eyes 3 scrolls of net of shadows for Dinnvan (self-made; for all) 337.5gp total
5. cure light wounds scrolls with whatever money is left over (self-made for all) 12.5gp each

The Sovereigns Keep You,
Dinnivan D'Sivis

PS My contribution to the total is a pathetic:
2 gold
18 silver
bottom part of a walking stick
1 sunrod
1 set of scholar's robes (red and blue)

8:52 AM

3:41 PM  

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